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An Encouragement & a Prayer.png

Feb 2, 2025

Jan 26, 2025

You are the light of the world...let your good deeds shine out for all to see so that everyone will praise your Heavenly Father.  (Matthew 5:14a,16)

There are so many people-watchers in this world.  Would a stranger know if you walk with Jesus?  In a restaurant, you may stand out in the crowd when you bow your head to thank God for the food that He has provided.  Friends, families, and neighbors will take notice when you don’t sleep in on Sunday mornings but choose to attend Church.  These are such simple acts but the impact of these choices is huge.  People will notice that you are putting God first in your life.  They will know that you care more about God than the opinions of other people.  

So, never cease to shine for our loving and gracious God.  Be the light in restaurants, within your family, and in your neighborhood.  The results may lead others to Christ and then, they too will begin to glorify our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.   

Heavenly Father, thank You, Lord, for the joy I have as I walk with You.  My heart is heavy-laden with the unbelievers in this world.  May my light shine and may my life show them that they too will experience the joy and security found only in You by accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

In Jesus’ Name, I pray,


These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts.  Impress them on your children.  (Deuteronomy 6:6-7a)

As we look around our world, sometimes the future seems bleak and hopeless.  As believers in Jesus Christ, we are comforted in knowing that He is in control.  But in our human nature, we are amazed and perhaps don’t understand all the corruption and chaos.  We find ourselves concerned for our children or grandchildren; basically, the “younger generation” as a whole.

But then, we come to Church and see the “younger generation” thriving in Your Word and we are encouraged.  We rejoice in seeing them accept Christ as their Savior, being baptized, participating in Church activities, serving in the Church, going on Mission trips, and just finding joy in their lives as believers.  We feel refreshed as we leave Church.  We see, through these young people, that Christ is still alive and well in their hearts.  And just like so many times before, once again, God restores our faith.

So, what are we to do?  (Psalms 78:5-6) We must bring our children to Church where they will be taught how to build a firm foundation in Christ.  This will, hopefully, one day be seen by your children as the greatest gift you gave them, and you, in turn, will be blessed in seeing them follow our Lord.

Our children are the future and our world depends on them.  Pray that their future and generations to come will be centered around Jesus Christ our Savior, the only One who can save us.

Heavenly Father, thank You, Lord, for our children.  May we never forget that they are precious gifts from You.  Protect them from temptations, dangers, sorrow, and indecisions.  I pray they will develop a deep hunger for You, Lord.  Give them discernment of who they are in Your loving eyes and only through You will they find true peace and joy.  Be with the parents and give them courage and strength to lead their children along God’s Path of Righteousness.

In Christ’s Protective and Loving Name, I pray,


Inspired by CB and GW

Jan 19, 2025

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His Love endures forever.  (Psalm 107:1)

In the busyness of our world, sometimes we simply forget to be grateful.  Somewhere along the way, we have lost the art of “pen to paper” when we would simply send a “thank you” note to acknowledge a gift or a thoughtful act.  Try not to ever take for granted any type of gift…a monetary gift, any type of tangible gift such as a birthday present, or a gift of time given to you by others.  Try to remember that as a receiver of a gift, not only will you will be blessed but your acknowledgment of the gift with a simple “thank you” will also bless the giver.

Jesus Christ sacrificed His life to save us from our sins and now He offers us the free gift of salvation.  When you accept His gift, acknowledge it, and reciprocate with gifts of worship, obedience, faith, and trust.  Never find yourself too busy to say “thank you” to Him every day.  Then, bless others by sharing His gift, the gift that never stops giving. Lead them to Jesus so they too can receive the most miraculous and precious gift of all – the redeeming love of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Heavenly Father, thank You, Lord, for Your Love.  May we never take for granted Your free gift of salvation but continuously acknowledge and praise You for all that You have done for us.  Only You have saved us, Father, and through our actions and words, may our gratitude for You shine for all to see.

In Christ’s Name, I pray,


Jan 12, 2025

In Antioch, the disciples were first called Christians.  (Acts 11:26)

There are so many benefits to being a Christian.  It all begins with salvation when you confess your sins, repent, and believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.  You will receive forgiveness for your sins through the Blood of Jesus Christ that was shed on the Cross of Calvary.  You will receive the Holy Spirit to guide you, you will be provided with the ability to know God intimately, and you will receive His gifts in order to serve Him.  You will be given freedom from the slavery to sin and freedom from the guilt associated with your sin.  Jesus will never leave you, and you will have peace, joy, and rest, in your life on Earth.  And the greatest benefit, you will have a priceless inheritance in Heaven with Jesus Christ for all Eternity.

God gives you all these benefits as a free gift.  All you are asked to do is to surrender your life to Him and live your life according to God’s Will. If you are obedient to Him, you will have hope for a better tomorrow, strength to fight against the enemies of God, and, as a light in this dark world, you will have the power to lead others to Christ. 

There is nothing on Earth that can compare to it!  Yes, indeed, it is the very best life has to offer!   

Heavenly Father, thank You, Lord, for our salvation.  With all the benefits of being a Christian, I pray that we will be obedient to You and use the gifts you have bestowed upon us to serve You.

In Jesus’ Name, I pray,


Jan 5, 2025

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.  (Romans 15:13)

As the New Year begins:

May your days be filled with laughter and the joy of our Lord. (Psalm 126:2)

May you walk in the Wisdom of Jesus Christ.  (1 Corinthians 1:30)

May your arms be open to those struggling and in need.  (Proverbs 3:27) & (Hebrews 13:16)

May you be a lighthouse to others through God’s Love with your actions and words.                        (Matthew 5:14-16)

May you take the time every day to enjoy God’s Word.  (Psalm 119:18)

May you continually pray for God’s Wisdom to lead you along your journey of life.

(1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)  


May you be filled every day with hope and comforted in knowing our future is in God’s Hands.  (Jeremiah 29:11)


Heavenly Father, thank You, Lord, for Your amazing grace, Your never-ending faithfulness, and Your abundant love.  As this new year begins, refresh my urgency to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.  Guide us to bring a great revival to our nation and throughout the world.  May those who do not know You as their personal Savior come to You for their salvation and to a life of fulfillment and hope found only in You. 


In Christ’s Name, I pray,



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